250 Million LPK — The L-Pesa Buy Back Program
L-Pesa is a progressive finance service that is consistently developing ways to give back to its customers. Starting out offering microloan services, L-Pesa now offers more financial services including its very own cryptocurrency, L-Pesa Krypton (LPK). Since the initial public offering of this cryptocurrency, demand has continued to soar, with targets being met with ease. This has led to another progressive move from L-Pesa to ensure that the reserve tokens are not used up too fast.
The LPK buyback program is an opportunity to give back some value to investors. This also enables L-Pesa to review the token allocation for the benefit of all. L-Pesa will buy back 250 million LPK for this very purpose. Through the creation of some scarcity, it will be better to get higher rewards. This will make sure that over time, the value of LPK becomes more stable since the tokens will be less exposed to the ongoing market conditions. In the future, the value of LPK shall rise and reach better optimization.
This initiative is set to kick off from November 1st. As an LPK owner, it makes sense to benefit from an asset class that is considered to be amongst the fastest growing in the world.
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